Creating an Extraordinary Indoor Herb Garden Beyond Bunnings

Experience the greenery indoor with your own indoor herb garden beyond what Bunnings can offer. Having fresh herbs at hand, not only add flavors to your dishes but also beautify your home with its vibrant colors and divine fragrance.

Understanding and Planning Your Indoor Herb Garden

Planning is considered the foundation of every structure. Understanding the space available, light access, temperature and humidity of your indoor environment will largely determine the type of herbs you can grow and the kind of setup you will establish. Consider herbs that can easily adapt to indoor conditions like parsley, basil, thyme, and rosemary among many others.

Choosing the Perfect Potting Mix and Containers

Once you have decided on the herbs you want to grow, you should pay attention to the soil you will use for your herb garden. The majority of herbs require well-drained soil. Using a quality potting mix, free from weed seeds and other contaminants will help your herbs to grow healthily and productively.

Choosing containers with good drainage is as important as the soil. They ensure the roots of your herbs will not get waterlogged which often leads to root rot. The size of your container should also accommodate the full grown size of your herbs.

Implementing the Right Watering and Feeding Techniques

Overwatering is often the cause of indoor plant failures. Frequent watering does not compensate for the plant’s actual needs. Lack of fresh air, sunlight and humidity often disrupt the plant’s development. It is advised therefore to water your herbs when the soil is dry at the top.

Proper feeding is equally important to the growth and productivity of your plants. Feed your indoor herbs with a water-soluble or a slow-release fertilizer. These kinds of fertilizers contain the essential nutrients needed for your plants to grow.

Providing Your Herbs the Essential Lighting

Another critical factor is light. Most herbs require at least 6 hours of bright indirect light. If natural light is less available, consider creating a light system using fluorescent or LED grow lights. These lightings are energy-efficient and produce less heat which are perfect for indoor herb gardens.

Ensuring Proper Temperature and Humidity Conditions

Most herbs grow well in temperatures between 65°F (18°C) to 75°F (24°C). Overly high temperatures can cause your plants to wither. If the air inside your home is dry, consider using a humidifier or sets up trays with water near your plants. The evaporation will increase the humidity levels surrounding your plants.

Pruning, Harvesting and Pest Control Strategies

Like any plant, your herbs need to be cared for to thrive. Regular pruning promotes bushier growth while harvesting at the right time ensures the continuous supply of your herbs. Be vigilant also of introducing pests to your indoor herb garden.

Maintain hygiene on your indoor garden by cleaning your pot and tools. Use soapy water to remove pests. If the infestation is severe, consider using natural insecticides. Keeping your herbs healthy is the best protection against pests.


Beyond Bunnings, setting up your own indoor herb garden provides you unlimited access to organic, fresh, and flavorful herbs just within your reach. It may require some work but the satisfaction of having your indoor herb garden is priceless.

Experience the joy of growing your herb. Start planning now.

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